Hi there!

Just got home from meeting up with a local composer in Victoria. Was a pretty interesting experience seeing how easily music can be made on a computer. I would just throw out some ideas of what type of music might fit with the film and he would just crank out songs; he’s like a human jukebox. We came up with some pretty interesting tags from all sort of genres. Some country, some blues and even some strings. It’s pretty amazing what you can do with a computer. It has inspired me to go home and finally click that application that reads “Garage band” and try it out.

He said the music tags should be finished sometime later this week, so I should be revienceing them on a CD sometime soon! I’m really excited to see what the class thinks of them and how they fit with the film. The selection of what type of music we use could completely change the feeling of the film so we’ve got to get it right! Its a hard decision whether or not to play into the comedic side of the film or the dark side of the film or even maybe play into both sides. We’re just going to have to wait and see what fits best!

I’ll let you know how it goes!


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