Note: this was submitted via email on the correct date, but I was unable to add to the blog as I was in Seattle and sent it from my phone.
For the past month, the writing team and I have struggled with nailing down the perfect pilot episode. There a ton of elements which make a good pilot. Firstly, it should establish the tone of the show. Is it dark, funny, family-based? Let the viewer know what they’re getting into. It should also have a gripping opener. This is important in any episode of any show, but with the first, it needs to bring people in to be viewers for the entirety of the series. It also needs to introduce the characters. It shouldn’t give too much away though. It should give the viewer enough information to get a sound idea of who these people are, but not so much that it leaves no room for character development. It lastly should introduce the plot for the whole season, or even series.